Well Thanksgiving came quickly this year, man how time flies. We had a great holiday though and enjoyed lots of family. Jon's grandma, aunt and uncle came up from Elmo, Utah and stayed for the weekend, it was so fun to spend Thanksgiving with them.
First these are a few photos that make me smile. Nixon reading a book on Jon.

Poor Gauge is now a horse in Nixon's mind. Whenever he is lying down anywhere Nixon rushes over and sits on him. We are trying to stop him from jumping up and down on him too... it's a challenge:) Darby on the other hand runs away when Nixon rushes towards her, she isn't stupid.

Nixon is always getting out my pots and pans put this particular day he decided it was big enough to sit in. What a goofy kid.

Nixon LOVES to ride in the Jimmy. We don't do it very often but when we do he gets to sit up front and he likes to hold your hand while you drive. It's adorable!!! This is Nixon wanting to go on a ride.. and decked out in his cameo!!

So NOW, Thanksgiving day!! When we got to Grammy's Nixon just wanted to go outside, in the cold??? We got a ball and playing pass while we waited for assignments from the boss (Grammy).

Nixon is actually a really good thrower, I think it's because last summer when he was just a young lad he watched his daddy play softball three nights a week...

Jon had gotten up that morning and went and played Turkey Bowl with some of his friends and Cam. They are crazy, it was freezin' at 9 am. But they had a lot of fun.

Jon took Tanner out back and played some football at home so we could watch and cheer. Nixon of course had to be out there playing too... SOOOO helpful.

I made this craft for the kids.. how cute are they?? We set them on each place at the dinner table. Katie helped me for a few minutes but it turned out to not be such a great "craft" really but they looked cute and tasted good. They are marshmallows dipped in chocolate then on a cookie and a little yellow frosting to make the hat complete.

This is the Yummy Turkey that we ate... my mouth waters just thinking about it:) Kirt also deep fried a turkey this year, it was really good and really interesting to watch the process. So we were well fed!

Karen got a new tree Thanksgiving weekend and Nixon thought Santa had come early as he played and played in the box.

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